

au septième

5 Lonjou 56630 Langonnet France
This host received a 4 trefoil score

Our Philosophy

“We can change the world if we dream and believe in it.”

«au septième», an eco-labelled guest house in an old farmhouse nestled in the heart of the Breton countryside. It is a haven of peace and tranquility that allows you to disconnect and rejuvenate, a perfect place for a “break”, a “time-out and elsewhere” relaxation. Life is slower, quieter and greener, “on the seventh” is created with respect for the environment and all living things with which we co-reside on our planet.

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chambre APPENTIS

Large «cozy» room (24 m2) with views of the meadow and a vast sky. It …

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Very large bright room (42 m2) upstairs, with separate entrance (acces…

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